Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's On!

For those of you who are wondering: "What's a Draw-In?" I'll tell's fun, easy and will get your artistic and political juices flowing! Basically we park ourselves in the rotunda of the State House (we have permission!) with a table, some signage and plenty of (dry) art materials. We then wait for the public to pass by (usually on their way to speak to legislators) and solicit from them any ideas they might have on how we could better spend the huge sums of money that go into war spending. It's actually a very easy task and you don't have to be proficient at rendering Abrams tanks as, for example if you created a drawing of flowers in a vase, you would be making a perfectly effective political statement about a better way to spend our war dollars. The other great thing about this action, we found from our last Draw-In, was that people are truly dis-armed when it comes to live artists! They get very excited to see their ideas visualized before them and be able to take their drawing away with them. For me as an artist, my favorite part is hanging out with other artists, making art and exchanging thoughts and ideas. It's a win/win in my book! So, will you come join us? I hope so! See you there.
Kenny Cole

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art Dogs

Thanks to Lisa Savage's passion for everything "pink" we got some real groovy results with the pink poster paper that Lisa brought along to last Sunday's "Print-a-Thon" at Art Dogs in Gardiner, Maine. Many thanks to Karen Adrienne for the generous use of her facilities...check them out The image pictured here was originally conceived by Al Crichton, who cut the toxic cloud stencil and was then modified by Kenny Cole and Oran Suta.